Why swap to L.E.D. products in the home and office?

  • Fantastic Lighting have been swapping existing under performing and energy hungry light globes to L.E.D. products since 2011 and consider there are three major reasons or “light bulb moments” to make the switch.

  • Read more about Daylyte L.E.D Globes

“LIGHT BULB MOMENT” number one

Improved light quality and brightness

Many customers have commented they were surprised to see such a positive and vibrant transformation of their home, shop or workplace after swapping to L.E.Ds.


led-difference“LIGHT BULB MOMENT” number two

Reduce power.

L.E.D. products are far more energy efficient than conventional lamps and globes. For example, swapping out 50 watt halogen globes to our Daylyte brand of 7 watt globes saves a massive 86% on energy while still maintaining high brightness.


led-lifespan“LIGHT BULB MOMENT” number three

Longer lifespans.

Fantastic Lighting offer industry leading replacement guarantees of up to 5 years which means that you won’t have to continually change inferior conventional lamps and globes. Increased lifespans combined with improved brightness and energy savings make a strong case to make the change to our Daylyte brand of L.E.D. globes.

  • Made working in kitchen easier and not as hot, also able to read easier in family room.
    R KelkHomeowner
  • One very happy husband!! Everything looks so bright.
    C. GaskinHomeowner
  • Our shop now looks fabulous. Putting the new lights in for a free trial was important.
    S. FosterRevamp Fashions